
AWS Well-Architected Review

Discover opportunities for significant cost savings, improved application performance, and reduced security risks.

Book your free AWS Well-Architected review with a certified AWS partner to:

Review your workloads across six AWS Well-Architected pillars

We help you evaluate your workloads for potential risks and help you define how well your architecture aligns with AWS best practices for operational excellence, security, reliability, performance efficiency, cost optimization, and sustainability.

Design and implement improvement plans that fit your business needs

Following an AWS Well-Architected Framework Review, we will help you identify the next steps for improvement and can assist with remediating potential risks in your workloads.

Accelerate innovation

Understanding the state of your workloads and making improvements based on AWS best practices can help your cloud architects build and operate secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient application infrastructures.

Book your AWS Well-Architected Review now ->>>

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AWS Well-Architected Review

The AWS Well-Architected Framework can help ensure your workloads are secure, high-performing, and resilient.Regularly review the state of your workloads to identify improvement opportunities across the six AWS Well-Architected Framework pillars.

Well-Architected Review Pillars

Operational excellence

Run and monitor systems while
continually improving processes and procedures that support your business objectives.


Take advantage of cloud technologies to protect data, systems, and assets in a way that can improve your security posture. Maintain the integrity of data, manage user permissions, and establish controls to detect security events.


Enable workloads to perform their intended functions correctly and consistently, and recover quickly from failure to meet demands.

Performance Efficiency

Streamline the allocation of IT and computing resources, and maintain efficiency as demand changes and technologies evolve.

Cost Optimization

Build and operate cost-aware workloads that achieve your business outcomes, while minimizing costs and allowing your organization to maximize its return on investment.


Minimize the environmental impact of running cloud workloads by building architectures that maximize efficiency and reduce waste. Make improvement plans to meet sustainability targets for your AWS workloads.


AWS Well-Architected Partner

StormIT delivers best-of-breed cloud systems integration, application development, and managed services.

We are experts in utilizing proven cloud technologies and are on the cutting edge of integrating emerging cloud technologies into our practice.

Our core competency is delivering custom cloud projects and services for clients who have limited cloud experience on staff or who need additional resources. We leverage the best cloud technology available to provide a solution that is unique to your project requirements.
